Looking Back, My favorite Image of the year.
We have made another trip around the sun on this big blue marble we call home. It’s not uncommon to reflect on the last 365 days, remember the places one has been and the work created. As I sit here and scroll through the thousands of images I took over the previous year, it is a friendly reminder of all the beautiful places I was fortunate enough to visit. There are so many memories on these hard drives of mine. Memories of home, places, people I have met, and experiences I have had. I am lucky to go through these images and relive them again. Because of these memories, it is sometimes hard to pick a single “favorite” image from the last year. Each one has some special place for me, whether it is a memory of the trip itself, the emotion I experience while at a location, or just feeling good about overcoming the technical challenges and achieving the image. This year, I think my favorite image is a simple one. And ...